Start Learning With Our Popular Courses

Our current courses are planned according to the most recent demand of technologies covering a wide variety of options. Students completing the courses will get a certificate soon.

Fundamentals of UI/UX Design

Duration: 6 Months


Price: $45

Javascript Basic to advanced

Duration: 4 Months


Price: $30

Full Stack Web Development

Duration: 10 Months


Price: $75

Digital Marketing

Duration: 3 Months


Price: $25

Basic Principles of Photography

Duration: 4 Months


Price: $50

Motion Graphics and Animation

Duration: 6 Months


Price: $60


Explore Hash Code

Hash Code started going live in 2021 after their development process of 3 years. All the course lectures are prepared by authorized and professional personnel ensuring good audio and video quality giving you a premium learning experience.

Hash Code started going live in 2021 after their development process of 3 years ... See more


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Meet Our Successful Students

Almost 75% students who worked hard with dedication and passion are doing full-time established jobs today around the globe.


Awlad Hossain

UI/UX Designer


Jannatul Islam

Motion Graphics Designer


Imran Ahmed

Graphics Designer


Nishi Akhter

Web Developer


Some toppers of our courses shared their feedbacks on our courses.

I have never experienced such a well-organized course. The way everything was planned sure helped a lot of students, just like it helped me. Today I am doing a well established job in a reknowned Multinational Company.

Ahnaf Rahman
Front End Developer

I have never experienced such a well-organized course. The way everything was planned sure helped a lot of students, just like it helped me. Today I am doing a well established job in a reknowned Multinational Company.

Maisha Maliha
Javascript Developer

Frequently Asked Questions

All the common questions that you might have are answered below.

Flexbox works for one-dimensional layouts and can control the main-axis (x-axis) only. However, Grid works for two-dimensional layouts and can control both the main-axis (x-axis) and the cross axis (y-axis).

Bootstrap is a set of previously styled responsive components that makes up a definitive UI package as it contains utility classes, classes of concepts covering flexbox and grid and finally classes of various components that are free. However, in Bootstrap, the utility classes don't have much variety for which customization with Vanilla CSS is required.

On the other hand, Tailwind CSS makes use of a vast set of utlity classes, hence providing more options so that customization with Vanilla CSS is lessened. However, Tailwind CSS does not provide free components.

It is a box that wraps around every HTML element. The first box is wrapped over the main content called padding. The second box that wraps over the padding is the border. The last box that wraps over the border is called the margin.

A semantic HTML tag is a HTML tag that provides meaning to a certain webpage.

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